What is the Difference Between HHC and Delta 8 THC?
HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) and D8 (Delta 8 THC) are two cannabinoids that are gaining significant popularity in the United States. Both of these hemp compounds are unlike CBD because HHC and Delta 8 are psychoactive, meaning they create a high if consumed. Many interpret the Farm Bill to legalize any hemp cannabinoid under 0.3% Delta 9 THC, including similar compounds like Delta 8 and HHC. Consumers can find many different forms of Delta 8 THC and HHC products being sold in stores and online, including but not limited to vape cartridges, tinctures, gummies, and tinctures. As these products become widely used across the nation, people are often asking what the difference is between these intriguing new hemp highs.
What are the Effects of Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8 THC was the first psychoactive hemp cannabinoid to become widely popular in the US. It’s a naturally occurring or synthesized isotope of its well-known sister molecule Delta 9 THC, which is famous for the high associated with cannabis. Users claim that the effects of Delta 8 THC are approximately 1/3 to 1/2 as intense as its traditional counterpart Delta 9 THC, while others claim that the highs are equivalent. Based on tremendous anecdotal feedback, the psychoactive effects of Delta 8 are reported as being euphoric, relaxed, and tranquil. Many consumers compare the effects to a cannabis indica-like sensation, that is sedative in nature, famous for its “couch lock” reputation. Many consumers claim to use Delta 8 THC in controlled doses for anxiety, insomnia, sleep disorders, stress, and so much more. Delta 8 THC needs to be carefully dosed; although the effects are reported as being less intense than Delta 9 THC, a consumer can still easily take too much if they are not careful.
What are the Effects of HHC?
Delta 8 THC and HHC are very yin and yang; their psychoactive effects are reported as being quite opposite. Delta 8 THC and HHC are reported as being half as psychoactive as Delta 9 THC by some, while others claim the psychoactive powers are equivalent. However, as previously explained, Delta 8 THC is generally reported as having sedative and tranquil effects. Based on many reports, many claim that HHC is stimulating, uplifting, and joyful. Many consumers report using HHC for its uplifting effects, claiming it can be used to treat depression and uplift the mood of its user. HHC can be compared to a sativa-like cannabis high, a cannabis variety that is well known for its energetic effects. It is theorized that HHC has comparable stimulating effects to a cup of coffee.
What is the Proper Dose of Delta 8 THC and HHC?
Due to the different effects of HHC and Delta 8, many find it wise to consume Delta 8 THC during the evening and HHC in the daytime. Both HHC and Delta 8 THC should be taken in a controlled and safe setting. When it comes to dosing psychoactive cannabinoids, always start low and go slow. It is a safe idea to start with a small dose like 5mg if you are unsure of your general dosing and tolerance. A common perspective for consuming any cannabis edible is that you can always take more, but you can never take less. Be patient as edibles can kick in quickly, in 20-30 minutes, or take multiple hours to take effect. It is recommended to take your initial dose at home, in a safe setting, when you will not need to work, operate a vehicle, or machinery, for at least 24 hours.
What is the Difference Between Delta 8 THC and HHC Molecules?
HHC was discovered in 1944 by an American chemist named Roger Adams, through a process called hydrogenation. Adams added a hydrogen molecule to a THC molecule, thus creating hexahydrocannabinol or HHC. Hydrogenation changes the structure of a Delta 9 THC molecule by replacing its double bond with two hydrogen atoms. Delta 8 THC, on the other hand, is an isotope of its cousin Delta 9 THC. The subtle difference between the two molecules is that one of the carbon double bonds is in a different location. Delta 8 THC is naturally occurring in small amounts, but most Delta 8 THC products are made by converting a CBD molecule into Delta 8 THC by exposing it to heat and acids.
Ultimately, the difference between HHC and Delta 8 THC lies in their effects, molecular structure, and usage. Both cannabinoids offer unique benefits, making it essential for consumers to understand their distinctions.