TPE 2025 - Total Product Expo 2025!

Major Win for Florida Hemp Industry: DeSanti Vetoes Senate Bill 1698

Ron DeSantis saves Florida hemp.

Florida Hemp Lives to Fight Another Day

Florida hemp business owners, breathe a sigh of relief! In a significant victory for the hemp industry, Governor Ron DeSantis has vetoed Senate Bill 1698, which would have imposed stringent regulations on hemp-derived products. This development marks a pivotal moment, ensuring that many popular hemp products can continue to be sold without the burdensome restrictions the bill proposed.

Key Highlights from the Veto Decision:

  1. Governor’s Veto: On June 10, 2024, Governor DeSantis vetoed the bill, citing concerns that it would impose debilitating regulatory burdens on small businesses and likely fail to achieve its intended goals. This move is a testament to the power of advocacy and the importance of supporting small businesses in the hemp industry.
  2. Proposed Regulations: Senate Bill 1698, passed by the state Legislature in March, sought to limit hemp-derived delta-9 THC to no more than 5 milligrams per serving or 50 milligrams per container. Additionally, it aimed to redefine total delta-9 THC concentration to include THC-A and ban synthetic/synthetically derived cannabinoids like delta-8 and delta-10 THC. These measures would have significantly impacted the availability and variety of hemp products in the market and drastically affected business owners’ bottom line.
  3. Right Result, Wrong Motive? According to multiple outlets, DeSantis’ decision to veto this bill was a hedging of bets. The alleged strategy is to curry favor with the hemp industry in exchange for their assistance in defeating the recreational cannabis initiative at the ballot box this November. We’ll continue to follow this thread of the story closely.
  4. Industry Advocacy: The Florida hemp industry launched an aggressive lobbying campaign against the bill, including purchasing billboard space near the governor’s mansion to voice their This collective effort played a crucial role in influencing the veto decision and demonstrates the importance of industry unity and advocacy.

What This Means for Florida Hemp:

  • Continued Product Variety: With the veto of Senate Bill 1698, Florida retailers can continue offering a wide range of hemp-derived products, including those containing delta-9 THC, alternative cannabinoids like delta-8 and delta-10 THC, and THC-A flower. The desired outcome for business owners and consumers alike!
  • Regulatory Relief: Small businesses are spared from the stringent regulatory burdens that the bill would have imposed. This allows you to focus on growth and innovation without the fear of debilitating restrictions.

Action Steps Moving Forward:

  • Stay Informed: Keep coming back to HQ to stay in tune with any future legislative developments that may affect the hemp Staying informed will help you quickly adapt to any new regulations.
  • Engage in Community: Continue to support industry advocacy Your voice is vital in shaping fair and supportive regulations for the hemp industry.

Feature image taken by Gage Skidmore.

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