Why Smokers Should Vape Nicotine
In my last column, I outlined a beginner’s guide to nicotine vaping, with the goal of encouraging smokers to try a product that has helped me and millions of others quit cigarettes forever. I briefly mentioned that vaping is “demonstrably safer than smoking, owing to the lack of combustion products in vapor,” but I didn’t elaborate on that point.
Now that you know switching is a relatively simple process, I want to make the case that it’s essential. Here are just a few reasons why adult smokers should at least try to switch.
Way Safer
The bottom line first: nicotine vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking. A comprehensive review published in the Annual Review of Public Health concluded that the health risks associated with vaping are substantially lower–about 95 percent lower–than those related to smoking. The report actually went further and concluded that the long-term effects of vaping are likely to be relatively benign compared to the severe health consequences of smoking.
Why? Decreased Exposure to Toxic Substances
Traditional cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals, including at least 70 carcinogens. In contrast, and as I mentioned last month, vapes typically contain far fewer chemicals, with most devices containing nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and flavorings. As a result, vapers are exposed to a significantly lower concentration of toxic substances, reducing the potential for long-term health complications.
Breathe Easier
Several studies have demonstrated that switching from smoking to vaping can lead to improvements in lung health. A review published in the journal Nature concluded that vaping “improves lung function” with smokers who switch reporting fewer respiratory symptoms as a result. These findings suggest that nicotine vaping likely mitigates some of the long-term respiratory effects associated with smoking.
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Smoking is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. However, the risk of cardiovascular disease appears to be significantly lower among vapers compared to smokers. Indeed, recent research has found no “significant difference in the cardiovascular risk of exclusive e-cigarette use compared with nonuse of cigarettes and e-cigarettes.”
Financial Benefits
In addition to the health benefits, switching from smoking to vaping can also result in significant financial savings. According to one estimate, vaping is roughly 80 percent less expensive than smoking. Over time, these savings can add up to many thousands of dollars. That’s notable because many smokers are less affluent than their non-smoking neighbors and the cost of cigarettes is a major financial burden for them.
Take the Easy Road
In many cases, making the right decision for your health is difficult. It might involve taking an expensive medicine or radically changing your lifestyle. That’s not the case with vaping. Not only can you enjoy nicotine while drastically cutting the risk to your health, you can get it through a delivery method that emulates smoking and save money in the process. What better combination could you ask for?