Six Products That Should Be in Every Head Shop – June Edition

Six Products That Should Be in Every Head Shop – June Edition

Quest 4 the Best: A Head Shop Buyer’s Guide Head shop purchasers and inventory managers have it tough. Every month, it seems like there are another thousand new products to sift through, and thousands more sales reps blowing you up to get you to buy. Have no fear; we’re here to help you cut through…

Six Products That Should Be in Every Head Shop – May Edition

Six Products That Should Be in Every Head Shop – May Edition

Quest 4 the Best: A Head Shop Buyer’s Guide Head shop purchasers and inventory managers have it tough. Every month, it seems like there are another thousand new products to sift through, and thousands more sales reps blowing you up to get you to buy. Have no fear; we’re here to help you cut through…

Maude Band

Maude Band

In relationships and romantic connections, the Maude Band playfully reminds us that sharing and caring go hand in hand. With a contemporary and refined design, the Band stands out as an elegant addition, ideal for smoke shops aiming to broaden their selection with sophisticated adult items. Unlike the conventional cock ring, Maude’s Band is a…