Alpha Puff

Alpha Puff

Who doesn’t want to make their life a little easier? The AlphaPuff Kit is the all-in-one product for all your smoking needs. This newly designed compact kit includes everything and we mean EVERYTHING. The kit comes complete with a grinder, a portable water pipe and a cleaning tool, storage compartments for your rolling cones, filters,…

Congress Blocks Feds from Interfering with State Marijuana Laws

A bipartisan group of House Democrats and Republicans recently hashed out a $1 trillion budget for government spending, but none of which will be used to crack down on legal pot. A new government funding bill will block the Department of Justice from using federal funds to prosecute law-abiding medical marijuana companies operating in legal…

Oregon keeps data on marijuana users private

Oregon state lawmakers who fear heightened marijuana enforcement by federal agents overwhelmingly approved in May a proposal to protect cannabis-buying personal info from being divulged by dispensaries – data gleaned from driver’s licenses, passports or other form of ID customers present at the door to prove they’re at least 21 as required by law. The…

Vaping helped 1.5 million Brits ditch their Smoking Habit

A new study from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) reveals of that roughly 3 million users of e-cigarettes in the United Kingdom, more than half have given up tobacco entirely. Researchers say the results prove vaping is a tremendous benefit to public health, reducing risks to the individual and eliminating second hand smoke. Despite…

Smoken Spoken

“I don’t tend to say this publicly, but we can see it’s (marijuana) a curative thing. More than 85 percent of men incarcerated in America are on drug-related offenses. It costs $40,000 a year for every prisoner. If (lawmakers) were really serious about the economy there would be a sensible discussion about legalization.” – Jack…

Want to have pot pay for your kid’s college?

Pueblo County, Colorado has established a cannabis-funded college scholarship program for high school seniors there. Pueblo County Commissioners expect that every qualifying student would receive about $1,000 for college. To qualify, students would have to attend either Pueblo Community College or Colorado State University-Pueblo. The 2017 funding available totals $475,000, with $4725,000 coming from the…



BudderBlocks are changing the way the world stores its shatter. Long gone are the days of fishing sticky wax out of the corner of a dispensary jar; these small nonstick silicone squares feature a cornerless gravity bowl that assures no dab is left behind. BudderBlocks V2 have been upgraded to feature a unique locking mechanism…

Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner

Unless you’ve been on another planet you’ve likely seen people people spinning a colorful little device between their fingers. It’s called a “fidget spinner” and it’s the latest craze. Basically a fidget spinner consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel,…