Turning Over A New Leaf: Bringing a Dose of Clarity to the Complicated History of Cannabis Law

Turning Over A New Leaf: Bringing a Dose of Clarity to the Complicated History of Cannabis Law

Did Commercialization Lead to Cannabis Prohibition? We’ve won the argument; an overwhelming majority of Americans support federal legalization. Is it time to drop the conspiracy theories? By Joshua Scott Hotchkin In order to make sense of how the legal status of cannabis evolved over the past few centuries, I am going to need you to…

Rethinking the Narrative: William Randolph Hearst Vs. Machiavellian Activism

Rethinking the Narrative: William Randolph Hearst Vs. Machiavellian Activism

Hearst, Anslinger, and the True Origins of Cannabis Prohibition: It’s Not Quite What You Think In this third volume of our ongoing series, we delve deeper into the accepted narrative surrounding cannabis prohibition, challenging widely-held beliefs and shedding light on the complex interplay of personalities and politics. By Joshua Scott Hotchkin This will be my…