Ginny Saville

Ginny Saville

The Botany Bay celebrated its twenty fifth anniversary in June, and its success is attributed to three P’s — passion, personality and perseverance (maybe a fourth being pot) inherent to its owner, Ginny Saville.  “To say that this has exceeded my expectations times of million is an understatement,” says Ginny, who traveled the festival circuit after…

HQ Acquisition

HQ Acquisition

The splitting of an atom is what powers a nuclear bomb. The fusion of an atom is what powers the sun. One destroys; one creates—and in this industry, it’s all about creation.

On May 3, 2022, a fusion occurred within our subset of commerce that has already sent a creative shockwave through the supply chain when Smoke Shop Events acquired HeadQuest Magazine in an all-cash purchase.

Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief

Sandy Caputo Appointed as New President of HQ (And Did NOT Approve This Article) There are seismic shifts currently taking place in the HeadQuest universe and they are things of which you should take special note. Consider yourself advised: It would be a mistake to assume that moves being made between the pages of this magazine will…

The A, B, C’s of THC

The A, B, C’s of THC

In the beginning there was marijuana, ganja: and it was good. It was used by Native Americans, Mexican shamans, and a host of ordinary, regular folks who just plain liked the way it made them feel. Then, in the 1920’s, along came Uncle Sam who deemed cannabis illegal, immoral and just plain bad for young…