Survey: Older, younger consumers shop brick-and-mortar differently

Survey: Older, younger consumers shop brick-and-mortar differently

Younger retail shoppers are driven more by personalization than older people, according to Consumer Shopping Habits—The Generation Gap, a study by BRP, sponsored by Manhattan Associates. Not surprisingly, the younger generations are also more attracted by a retailer’s technology. While the shopping journey varies depending on the customer, product and even season, there are similarities…

It’s National Small Business Week – it’s your time to shine!

It’s National Small Business Week – it’s your time to shine!

As of last year, there were 30.2 million small businesses in the United States. If you really think about it, the majority of businesses in your town fall into that category. And it’s a good thing too — according to the Small Business Administration, 93.2% of consumers shop at local merchants within 20 minutes/miles from home, and…

Immigration services determines marijuana users, workers lack “good moral character”

Immigration services determines marijuana users, workers lack “good moral character”

Immigrants who use marijuana or are involved with the industry fail to have “good moral character.” That’s the reason U.S. Citizenship and Immigration officials have given for denying citizenship to anyone involved with marijuana in any way, including possession, manufacturing, distribution or dispensing of cannabis, regardless of state laws. “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is…

What are they smoking?

What are they smoking?

Marijuana grown by the University of Mississippi for clinical research purposes shared genetics typically associated with industrial hemp, not commercially available cannabis, according to an analysis prepared by researchers at the University of Northern Colorado.  A separate study published in 2017 reported that U-Miss samples contain far lower levels of both THC and CBD than do commercially available cannabis….

Spoken Smokin

Spoken Smokin

“Congressional overreach in authority (via the Controlled Substances Act) has resulted in numerous consequences aside from the current jurisdictional quagmire manifested into an apparent clear, present, and ongoing bio-threat to the national security of the United States as well as our continental neighbors, and possibly the world.” – Cannabis Activist Ron Kiczenski, Lake County Record…