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Know Things About Succeeding in Business, Yoda Does

Yoda is known throughout the galaxies for his legendary wisdom and kick ass skills in lightsaber combat. So what wisdom does Master Yoda have for independent business owners? After all, 900-year-old he is and lives in a swamp, he does. He couldn’t possibly have anything useful to say about business or sales. Well, my young apprentice, clear your mind, and prepare to learn the ways of the Force —- or at least some helpful tips to grow your business and take on the Empire!

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

When we use the word “try” we unconsciously we give ourselves permission to fail. If you decide to take action, then really do it. Invest your time and resources into making it happen.

“Always pass on what you have learned.”

Great business leaders focus on the future. They build their experience, knowledge and wisdom into others just like a Jedi and his Padawan. What knowledge can you share to become a leader in your industry?

“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

Fear can paralyze action. It can stop you taking risks, learning, moving forward. What’s stopping you from becoming an entrepreneur or growing your current business? Is it some vague, can’t-put-your-finger-on-it reason? Or are those just stalling tactics? Write down your fears and the worst-case scenario. For every scenario, write down a way you can overcome it.

“Wars do not make one great.”

Know your competition but there’s no need to fight with them for customers. Show your customers how you provide a unique solution to their needs. You don’t need to belittle your competitor if you believe in your own offering.

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?”

How often do you let your perceived limitations dictate what you achieve?

 How many times do you listen to that voice inside, that negative self talk that tells you how you will fail? Learn how to get rid of that negative self talk and give yourself positive messages.

“Already know you that which you need.”

Look inside. You know what the right thing to do is. Support yourself with a team that compliments your strengths and weaknesses and believes in your mission. Don’t change tactics just because your competitor — take control of your destiny.

“Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.”

Embrace the present, but continue to educate yourself in your industry, market and customer demographic. Examining current trends and market shifts is a vital part of building a business plan that helps you stay competitive in your industry.  If you aren’t aware of what is going on, then you may miss out on opportunities that will manifest for those people who are in the right place at the right time.

Canna Aid

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