Need to roll a fattie? Of course, you do; It’s a quarter past four. Too classy for direct coffee table contact? Of course, you are; you’re not a g-ddamn amateur. Grab that rolling tray from Daze Trayz. The Daze Trayz rolling tray has become your favorite lately, partially because it’s just the right size at 27cm x 16cm, but mostly because the mind-bending, optical illusion design gives the tray a secondary purpose. Sure, like any tray, it’s handy for keeping the mess to a minimum, not to mention, minimizing the loss of your choice herbage to the cervices in your couch and the shag of your carpet.
But there’s also the entertainment value. Even as you prepare your sacrament, the tray begins to come alive. As you roll, the wheels spin. Puff your favorite train, lose your strain of thought. Or maybe reverse that? You don’t know—and really, you don’t care. You’ve been staring at the Daze Trayz for a half hour now and you’re far enough down the rabbit hole to have a tea party. This is so much more fun than Rick and Morty.
Daze Trayz wholesale for only $3.50, with an MSRP of $10+. 20 more face-melting designs coming soon.