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Canna Aid

Slow Down, Relax, & Take it Easy

What happens when you don’t charge your phone? You turn down the screen brightness, try not to check your texts, and count down the moments until your phone shuts off altogether. As humans, just like your phone, when we’re not fully charged, we don’t perform as well.

Here are a few tips for how to spend your weekend in the right mode so you’ll be full of energy on Monday and be able to power through the week ahead.

Do Something You Enjoy

Life can get crazy. So crazy, in fact, that many of us no longer make time for hobbies, passions, and the things we enjoy. But, these activities are important for maintaining a positive outlook and a healthy work/life balance. Read a book. See a movie. Take your dog for hike. Play a round of golf. The idea is to do something for yourself that you don’t have time in your busy schedule to do during the week. A fun activity is also great way to distract yourself from whatever challenges you might be facing at work and allow your emotions to reboot so you’re better able to cope.

Get Some Sleep

During the week, your days start early and end late—meaning you miss out on precious sleep. Oftentimes, our bad moods and lack of motivation are direct results of our sleep schedules. Use your weekend to sleep in and catch up on some much-needed dreamtime. Think of it as preparation for Monday morning. After all, there’s nothing better than strolling into the office feeling well-rested!

Get Some Exercise

When you do finally wake up, take a walk outside, get some fresh air and get your blood circulating. Staying active is not only crucial for living a healthier, more well-rounded lifestyle, but also for boosting your mood. Standing behind the counter or sitting in your office all week can definitely cause you to feel sluggish and downright depressed—even if you don’t realize it.

Plan Ahead

There’s nothing more stressful than that Monday morning rush to open the door. Shelves need restocked, merchandise needs straightened, and numbers need to be tallied. It’s hardly the refreshed Monday feeling you were aiming for. To avoid that crazy Monday madness, put your weekend to work for you. We’re not saying go into work on Sunday, just take a few minutes to create to-do lists to keep you organized through the next few days.

Monday morning can have a huge impact on your attitude and approach to the rest of the workweek. So, you definitely want to enter the shop with a full charge to your battery and a completely refreshed attitude. But, that won’t happen if you don’t pay attention to how you’re spending your weekends.

Canna Aid

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