You actually might not want to carry this one. It’s practically unbreakable.
Sure, that sounds good, but what happens when all your customers buy it and never need to come back for another piece? No, we certainly can’t have that. Nothing to see here. Resume scrolling through for subpar silicone and Chinese throwaways that’ll fracture in your hand after a week of use.
Ok, now that we’ve gotten rid of the ‘turn-n-burn’ crowd, here’s the skinny:
The Tank Beaker is an American blown, 9mm glass waterpipe that’s been making some serious waves after a video posted by the manufacturer went viral and got picked up by and NowThis. The footage really says it all. The piece in question gets thrown off a roof and then down a flight of concrete stairs before it’s mercilessly stomped. Despite the abuse, our brave little friend survives it all with nary a scratch to be seen. Why else do you think they call it the Tank?
What else do you need to know? It’s hot as hell, tough as nails, affordable ($160 MSRP) and if you’re still reading this, the kind of quality you strive to provide your clientele. You know what to do.