There is little in this world more crucial to the life of a smoke shop than proper age verification. One wrong step here can cost your business everything. Mix up your years or overlook a lapsed expiration date and your whole operation could shatter faster than glass on concrete.
Fortunately, the folks at, the foremost purveyors of age verification education materials, have developed the Age Checker, a new app for your smartphone that will take the variables out of the equation.
Operation is practically idiot-proof. Once you’ve downloaded the app and set your location, simply open Age Checker on your smartphone and “hold, sweep, flip, scan” your customer’s ID when it’s presented. The app will do the heavy lifting for you, verifying the customer is of legal age and the ID they’ve handed you hasn’t expired. The critical “sell” or “do not sell” decision is made in seconds, based on state or local minimum age laws of 18, 19 or 21. All you have to do is make sure the mugshot looks like the face in front of you. No more vainly searching unfamiliar, out-of-state licenses and no more fumbling with basic math. has the sticky parts covered.