It’s November! That means it’s time for more wardrobe options, debates among the coffee community over the respectability of a pumpkin spiced latte, and Gillette’s annual stock dip. It also we’ll soon spend a day in gratitude for the blessings in our lives—right before half the population readies itself ready to cripple and maim over a discount on a bigger TV. Life is rich in irony.
That’s not cynicism; only acknowledgement of the glaringly obvious. But pointing out the defilement of a sacred holiday by the commercial event that follows doesn’t mean we can’t still take part in the traditions therein. We have plenty for which to be thankful—and we shouldn’t take that for granted. Individually, we have our family, our friends and our businesses, to say the very least.
Collectively, there’s never been more to celebrate. If you’ve lost sight of this amidst the existential dread inspired by your daily news feed, here are a few thoughts to jog your memory.
We can be thankful . . .
That since 2012, a growing majority of Americans have supported the legalization of cannabis.
That when Tucker Carlson recently tried to tie marijuana consumption to mass shootings, we could all just laugh, knowing that he’s only slightly more relevant than the bowtie he used to wear.
That despite all the agency’s bluster, the FDA is gradually acquiescing to the fact that Americans want access to CBD products.
That despite all his flaws, our current president has largely kept the drug warriors in his cabinet at bay.
That when former Vice President, Joe Biden continues to insist that cannabis should remain illegal, he’s a lone voice in the field of presidential contenders.
That Congressional hyper partisanship is now seemingly the only hurdle in the path to full legalization.
That every election cycle, more states join the revolution for freedom in how we medicate.
There’s plenty more, but the above list is a great starting point. Add your own and join us in treasuring each and every hard-fought blessing we’ve won. While you’re at it, give yourself a pat on the back for the part you’ve played. You deserve it.
Happy Thanksgiving!