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Canna Aid

Who’s Buying What? Retailers

A Simple Guide for Smoke Shop

If you’ve been scratching your head about who’s coming into your shop and what they’re into, you’re not alone. Thanks to the team at New Frontier Data, we’ve got a clearer snapshot of today’s cannabis consumer.

The Lowdown from the Report New Frontier Data’s recent report, titled “Cannabis Consumers in America, Part 2: Exploring the Archetypes,” groups cannabis users by their consumption frequency.


The "Every Day’s a Good Day for Cannabis" folks

  • Savvy Connoisseurs, making up 13%.


The "Almost Every Day" gang

  • Contemporary Lifestylers (16%)
  • Medical Lifestylers (12%)
  • Legacy Lifestylers (13%)


The "Once in a While" group

  • Modern Medicinals (12%)
  • Engaged Explorers (9%)


The "Only Now and Then" crew

  • Social Nibblers (8%)
  • Holistic Healers (6%)
  • Infrequent Partakers (11%)

Gary Allen from New Frontier Data stresses the importance of retailers understanding their audience in this evolving market.


Smoke Shop Insights:

Gear Evolution: With many folks still preferring traditional smoking but showing a growing interest in different consumption methods, consider diversifying your paraphernalia. While bongs, hand pipes, and rolling papers should still grace your shelves, it might be worth exploring vaporizers or dabbing rigs due to the trend toward non-combustibles.

Educate on New Trends: Some of the newer cannabis consumers might pop into your shop curious about newer consumption methods or products. Consider having a “Trend Corner” or info sections to educate them, leading to potential sales.

Stay Adaptable: As cannabis becomes more mainstream, groups like Modern Medicinals and Holistic Healers are likely to grow.  Keeping an eye on these changes ensures you stock what’s in demand.

Loyalty Matters: There was a drop in the number of these daily users from 2022 to 2023. It looks like after trying out a bunch of stuff, they’ve found their favorites and are sticking to them. Building loyalty programs or offers for them ensures they keep choosing your shop for their needs.

In essence, this isn’t just about numbers. It’s about giving our customers what they’re after and ensuring our smoke shop remains the go-to spot. Adjust your stocks, tweak your marketing, and you’re good to go!

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