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Why Print Media Marketing is Still King

Business owners may dismiss print media advertising as obsolete or irrelevant in today’s digital age. But if used well, print media is a powerful tool that can enhance the communication and relationship between you and your prospects. 

Today’s average consumer is bombarded with hundreds of ads daily from social media, emails, websites, and other online media. As a result, it becomes harder for advertisers to connect with the right audience. And this is where print media comes in. 

Keep reading as we discuss why print media marketing is still as relevant as ever.

People Recall Print Better

When compared to the internet, print media enhances better recall of information. Any given page on the internet has multiple ads competing for a reader’s attention. By the time you’re done surfing, you may not recall the specifics of the ads you saw. 

With newspapers and magazines, the distractions are much less. You can spend a lot of time on a page without having to block a popup or skip an ad. Consequently, it’s easier to recall the print ads you’ve come across. 

For advertisers, this is welcome news as it means your ads will have a lasting impression on your target audience, leading to more sales.

Print Media is Trustworthy

Almost every business today has a social media page where they can advertise their products and services. While this is a good thing, it has also led to an influx of fake advertisements and marketing campaigns. Therefore, more people are wary of digital marketing campaigns.

Print advertising is different. People know professional journalists have vetted the information that appears in reputable print publications, so they tend to trust it more. 

Trust is a significant factor, especially in B2B advertising. If you are a retailer looking for a supplier, for example, there’s no room for experiments. You’ll want to work with a trustworthy supplier — like those who advertise with HQ Magazine — to ensure a consistent supply of high-quality products. 

Print Advertising is Less Competitive

The digital marketing space is over-saturated. To stand out in a pool of competitors, many business owners have to spend a lot of money running ads on social media . 

With website marketing, business owners have to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) ads or search engine optimization (SEO). And even then, they will compete against other businesses for the top spot on the search engine results pages (SERPs). In most cases, the businesses with the most money occupy those top spots.

With print advertising, you don’t need to compete against other businesses for top spots. You simply contact the newspaper or magazine and pay a certain amount to have your ad appear in their publication. That’s it!

Print Media Has Longevity

An internet ad disappears as soon as you’ve scrolled down a page. If a need arises to view the ad at a later date, retrieving the ad may be a big challenge. With print media, especially magazines, you can easily fold or mark-up an ad of interest to view it at a later date. You can also return to the pages of the magazine as many times as you want.
Print media offers incredible longevity. Once your ad is published on paper, it will remain there until the paper crumbles. Besides, the publication might continue to live on desks, tables, and countertops, so the number of impressions on your content continues to grow. With this, the readership significantly expands over time.

Print Reaches Out To People Who Are Detached From Technology

Believe it or not, some people are detached from technology and don’t use the internet. According to the Pew Research Center, 7% of Americans don’t use the internet, while 25% of adults aged above 65 years don’t surf the web at all. And while millennials use the internet much more, they are more likely to trust ads on print media than on digital platforms.

Some people who don’t use the internet may be retailers, suppliers, or vendors. By using a national publication, like HQ magazine that focuses on a niche market, retailers can connect with suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers in the industry . 

Print Builds Brand Credibility and Reputation 

Newspaper and magazine publishers work extra hard to build a loyal following. When you place an ad in their publications, their devoted followers will view it with a positive frame of mind. And since the followers trust the publication, they will also be more inclined to trust the products or services you are advertising. 

Print Media is Engaging

Print media captures more attention than other digital mediums. The information in print is often in an easy-to-read format, allowing the audience to understand and retain it better.

Moreover, print media offers a tangibility that allows readers to pay more attention to what they are reading. As you hold the magazine or newspaper and flip the pages, you are able to immerse yourself fully in the content. With digital mediums, you can scroll through a page without paying too much attention to the content. 

Print Complements Digital Advertising

While print advertising has multiple benefits for your business, it doesn’t mean you completely abandon digital marketing. Ideally, you should combine these two to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that caters to different types of users. 

Here are three ways to integrate digital advertising into your print:

Social Media: When you place your ads in print publications, include your social media icons to increase brand awareness and engagement. Your social media platforms should have engaging content to support the efforts of print advertising.

QR Codes: QR codes can lead users to your website. Therefore, have these codes integrated into your print ad to help more people learn about your brand. 

Leverage Your Digital Data: Online campaigns allow you to track data to assess what works and what doesn’t. You can then use the results to optimize your offline efforts. For example, if a certain product has received a lot of attention on social media, you may want to advertise it on print media to attract even more people.

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