NoGoo Silicone Pipes

NoGoo Silicone Pipes

NoGoo founder and CEO, Jonny B, may not have invented silicone, but his business savvy and clever branding are undoubtedly what transformed the material into the dab-head staple it is today. Since NoGoo’s Nickelodeon-style splat in the marketplace, silicone has gone from being a choice to the choice in 710 storage. Meanwhile, Mr. B has…

H3MP Shots

H3MP Shots

Couchlock has returned with the H3MP shot, a brand-new twist on their longstanding formula for enhanced smoking satisfaction. The short description, for those familiar with the brand, is a reformulation of the classic Couchlock recipe with the added kick of the cannabis-cousin superfood its namesake implies, rich in essential fatty acids, protein, and a litany…

Errly Bird Nest2

“A pen is a pen, is a pen,” says the jaded vape enthusiast. The cynicism isn’t without merit. Too often, “the next best thing” in vaping turns out to be just another Chinese knockoff with fancy branding. On this point, the ErrlyBird’s Nest2 is a winner straight out of the gate. For though it retains…

FDA blocked from retroactive e-cig testing

FDA blocked from retroactive e-cig testing

Legislation approved in this week by the Senate Appropriations Committee would prevent the FDA from requiring retroactive safety reviews of e-cigarettes already on the market. It would exempt some premium and large cigars from those same regulations. The provision to undercut the FDA rules was attached to legislation funding the agency’s budget for the fiscal…

Reefer Madness?

Reefer Madness?

It might sound like a scene from a horror film, but emergency medicine physicians at UC Davis Medical Center report seeing young, often college-age patients come in once or twice a day vomiting multiple times an hour and screaming uncontrollably. “They keep moaning, shouting and yelling after they vomit. It’s very dramatic. It sounds like…

High time for decriminalization

High time for decriminalization

A new report by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) says the time is ripe to change drug laws. Polls of presidential primary voters last year found that substantial majorities support ending arrests for drug use and possession in Maine (64%), New Hampshire (66%) and even South Carolina (59%).  In 2016, the first state-level decriminalization bill was introduced in Maryland and a similar version…